Contemporary classical music publisher

di Benedetto, Sirio

Sirio di Benedetto

Sirio di Benedetto, born in Ortona in 1964, began his musical studies early and then attended the saxophone (M.° U. Fusco) and clarinet (M.° C. Cardarelli) classes, at the Conservatory L. D’Annunzio in Pescara, graduating with honors (1986). During his studies he began his concert activity with the modern ensemble A. Sax; and with the trio Chalumeaux of clarinets he also performed in France, under the aegis of the Conservatory of Mulhuose. In 1987 he passed an audition for the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese. In the three-year period 1991/93 he perfected himself in saxophone with the M.° A. Domizi, exponent of the French school (J.M.Londeix), and updated his degree at the Conservatory of Pescara.

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