Do you simply want to contact us? Please consider this specific form :
Submitting a work to a publisher is the first step of an important process.
These following pages will guide you in order to avoid common mistakes and to optimize your chances to have your work published.
Finding a publisher is important to you, finding composers is important to us!
If we choose to publish this work, all these problems have to be fixed. So, fix them before sending your work. We will be grateful for your prevenance.
Thanks for your time, and now…
About yourself, don’t forget to send us your :
Send us a PDF file of the score (All fields are required and the PDF must not exceed 20 MB):
put everything in a solid envelope and send it to :
Alain Van Kerckhoven Éditeur
avenue Voltaire 181/23
1030 Brussels
Please, nothing special. Don’t declare a commercial value to the parcel, don’t send it as a registered mail, don’t ask a postal acknowledgment of receipt, don’t be too creative in posting your work. An old good solid envelop gives us the best chances for the future!
Now, expect 2-4 months before receiving a reply. We apologize for asking you so much patience but we cannot hurry this process.
Thank you very much in your interest in our publishing house.