Oxymores (2010), a trio in three movements, was composed especially for the Kheops ensemble.
The first movement is in ABA’ form; the A section begins with a duet between the clarinet and the cello, a duet in which very contrapuntal passages alternate with others that are completely homorhythmic. This is followed by the quieter B section, in which the piano plays a kind of obstinate motif that generates a dialogue between the three instruments. The final section, A’, sees the beginning of A played on the piano while elements of B are superimposed. The second movement is highly expressive, meditative and melodic in character, while the third explodes into a rhythmic and virtuosic firework display.
World premiere by Kheops Ensemble (Ronald Van Spaendonck, Marie Hallynck, Muhiddin Dürrüoglu) in the festival Les Concerts de l’Orangerie (Seneffe, Belgium) on 20th July 2012.
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