
Contemporary classical music publisher

Chronographie VI


Chronographie VI (2004) belongs to a series of pieces having as a common point an identical melodic-harmonic material (G, B, F sharp, D, E). This material is stated here from the outset by harmonics in long and regular values, as if the instrumentalist were meditatively preluding. A very rhythmic section follows without transition, where dry and marked chords support a melody that develops progressively. The discourse becomes more and more agitated until a moment of silence followed by a slower section. The chronographic motive (G, B, F sharp, D, E) unfolds there on an obstinate bass, at first serene, then more agitated as this section unfolds, ending on the motive played in harmonic sounds. The first part then returns, but shorter, like a memory where the elements return only in the form of scattered snippets.

This work is dedicated to the guitarist Santiago Abadía Parada.

The world premiere took place on October 29, 2010 at the Teatro “Guarany” of Santos (Brazil) by the guitarist Thiago Abdalla as part of the festival A Nova Consonância Do Seculo XXI. The latter has just recorded it on a CD Chronographie (2020).

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