Contemporary classical music publisher

Trois Croquis for Instrument and Piano

instrument and piano

Composed for violin and piano in 1990 as a compulsory piece for the Charles De Bériot Competition, the Trois Croquis is one of his most frequently performed works, which has led him to produce a great many versions, first transcribing the violin part for many other instruments, then orchestrating the piano part for string orchestra or clarinet ensemble, and finally producing a version for quartet or quintet or string orchestra.

In the many versions of this work we find several characteristics of his language: the melodic inspiration, the expressiveness, the harmonic colours and the subtlety of the orchestration. Several recordings have been made of it.

Brazilian Premiere at the 47th Festival Musica Nova (Santos) on 5th October 2013 by Duo Landum (Antonio Eduardo Santos, piano and José Simonian, flute)

Several versions are available on CD:

  • clarinet and piano: Enigma (Dux 0531)
  • clarinet and string quartet: Ritual (Kalidisc 2006)
  • violin and piano: Labyrinths (Cyprès 4602)
  • violin and string orchestra : De l’art d’écouter (Orchestre royal de Chambre de Wallonie)
  • viola and string quartet : Mendelssohn Ensemble (Contréclisse)
  • flute and piano : Oréades (René Gailly 87 111, out of print)
  • flute and piano : XXth Century Belgian Works for Flute and Piano (René Gailly, out of print)

This work is available as Hard Copy at


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